Karine Millet’s regular 2023 Sancerre was perhaps our favorite one of all last year. And there are stores selling that one now for over $40.
But her top, pure silex Les Beltins is her top wine, and one of the finest (not to mention rarest, her whole domain is only four hectares) in all of Sancerre. Silex, by the way, is the soil filled with large pieces of flint. It’s notoriously difficult to farm (for one, the flint will shred tractor tires), but as Dagueneau recognized, produces the finest, most complex and simply thrilling wines.
The vineyard is organically farmed – and composted with manure from the cows Millet also farms. Indeed, she practices the polyculture that historically most Sancerre growers did, but very few do now.